eISSN: 2353-9461
ISSN: 0860-7796
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The Journal publishes manuscripts in the form of: review and mini review articles, research papers, short communications as well as methodological papers. Opinions and book reviews are also welcome. Materials submitted to BioTechnologia are peer reviewed and have to meet specific expectations concerning substantive and editorial qualities.

  • The text of the manuscript should be provided in double-spaced page format, as Portable Document Format (pdf, preffered for “first” submission) or/and MS World document (doc,obligatory for final submission). Lamport TeX format (tex, contact the Editorial Office) is also acceptable.
  • Body of the article should be typed with 12 point Times New Roman font and 35 mm (left and 15 mm (right) margins. All lines of each page of the document must be numbered in the margin. The pages must be numbered consecutively.
  • Equations should be numbered serially (1), (2),… on the right side of the page.
  • Metric, SI units and the Celsius measurements should be used throughout.
  • Abbreviations should be explained when they first appear in the text.

The title page should indicate:
  • the name(s) of the author(s),
  • a concise and informative title,
  • short title (to be placed in the header),
  • the affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s),
  • the e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author.

The abstract should contain a concise description of the purpose of the paper, the results and findings, as well as a short concluding paragraph. The abstract must not exceed 250 words.
A list of 3 to 6 key words must be given included at the end of the abstract.

The main text should be divided into the following sections:
  • Introduction,
  • Materials and methods,
  • Results,
  • Discussion (can be combined with Results),
  • Conclusions (if necessary),
  • Supplementary material,
  • Acknowledgments,
  • Literature cited.

Although the editors of BioTechnologia prefer that also review papers include Introduction and Conclusions sections, we do allow greater discretion in their content and organization.

Literature cited within the text must be:
  • cited by author and year,
  • in chronological order when grouped (or alphabetical order if published in the same year),
  • must follow the CSE citation style (e.g., Brandt and Coley 2005; Kowalski et al. 2009; Brandt and Coley 2005a, 2007b),
  • must include the name of the first author and “et al.” when there are four or more authors,
  • if referred to an unpublished work of the author(s) quoted as: “name AB, unpublished data”,
  • if referred to an unpublished work of other author(s) quoted as: “name AB, name CD, personal communication” (the authors are responsible for securing permissions to cite).

  • arranged alphabetically by name of author(s) and then chronologically,
  • refer to manuscripts not yet published but which have been accepted for publication as “in press”,
  • not included if manuscripts have not yet been formally accepted for publication,
  • in line with the guidelines for abbreviations of periodicals listed in The Council of Science Editors Style Manual (7th ed., 2006),
  • not include unpublished data, personal communications or manuscripts “in preparation”. Such materials, if necessary, may be included into the text only.
  • formatted as follows:
Journal articles: Strozycki P.M., Szymanski M., Szczurek A., Barciszewski J., Figlerowicz M. (2010) A new family of ferritin genes from Lupinus luteus - comparative analysis of plant ferritins, their gene structure, and evolution. Mol. Biol. Evol. 27: 91-101.
(>10 co-authors): Cvetkovic A., Menon A.L., Thorgersen M.P., Scott J.W., Poole II F.L., Jenney Jr F.E., Lancaster W.A., Praissman J.L., Shanmukh S., Vaccaro B.J., et al. (2010) Microbial metalloproteomes are largely uncharacterized. Nature 466: 779-782.
Books: Ingram V.M. (1963) The hemoglobins in genetics and evolution. New York: Columbia University Press.
Book chapters: Vance C.P. (1997) Enhanced agricultural sustainability through biological nitrogen fixation. In: Biological Fixation of nitrogen for ecology and sustainable agriculture. Ed. Legocki A.B., Bothe H., Puhler A., Berlin, Heidelberg: Sprringer-Verlag: 179-186.

The following formats are acceptable:
  • HTML (.html, htm),
  • Jpeg (.jpg, .jpeg),
  • GIF (.gif),
  • TIFF (tif),
  • PNG (.png),
  • Adobe PDF (.pdf),
  • Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (.xls),
  • Microsoft World (doc, docx),
  • Encapsulated postscript (eps),
  • LaTex (tex).

Figures should:
  • be of high quality (300 dpi), and uploaded as separate files,
  • be numbered in the order they appear in the manuscript,
  • have uniform letters and size style,
  • e of the size of a single (max. 86 x 134 mm) or double column (max. 172 x 234 mm),
  • not include elements that exceed one journal page,
  • be provided with legends informative enough to make them understandable independently of the text.

Tables should:
  • be numbered in the order they appear in the manuscript,
  • have short titles, adequate to table content.

All materials (text, graphics etc.) must be submitted electronically. In case of questions concerning the submission, please contact the Editorial Support (Editorial Office) at office@btajournal.org. Registration of the manuscript with BioTechnologia is equivalent to author’s consent for publication of its content in both printed and electronic version.
Language Assistance
Authors should make sure that the text of the manuscript is prepared in correct English. Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally proof-read and edited before submission or during the review process. Please contact the Editorial Support (Editorial Office) for details.
First submission
All sections from “Title page” to “Literature Cited” must be submitted as a single file. Figures and Tables should be included (together with their descriptions) at the end of the manuscript. When submitting work, the ORCID number of each author should be given.
Revised manuscripts
Manuscripts conditionally accepted (not rejected) must be returned to the Editorial Office within four (review articles) or twelve (research articles) weeks. Returned articles should be corrected according to the Reviewer’s suggestions or offer strong arguments why the Publisher’s suggestions have been ignored.
Submission of accepted manuscripts
The rules are the same as for the first submission, except for the Figures which should:
  • be submitted as separate files. If a Figure is composed of parts (ie. 1A, 1B..), each part should be submitted separately;
  • be submitted as .tif, .eps, .xls, .doc, or .jpg .png files. If it is impossible to provide figures in one of the acceptable formats, please contact the Editorial Office;
  • be submitted, preferably, at resolutions of 600 dots per inch for line figures and 300 dots per inch for half tones;
  • be in CMYK mode rather than RGB (color figures).
Corresponding Authors will receive a proof for correction. A proof copy should be returned to the Editorial Office within seven working days. All comments should be marked on the proof and accompanied with the letter stating: “page xx, line yy; it is …..; it should be…” If a corresponding Author does not return proof-reading of the manuscript within seven working days, it will be understood that the editorial correction has been accepted without objections.
Publication of noncommercial materials in BioTechnologia is Free of Charge.

Subscription and sales conditions
Subscription of quarterly BioTechnologia is handled by branches of RUCH S.A. and the office of BioTechnologia (Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN, ul. Z. Noskowskiego 12/14, 61-704 Poznań, e-mail: office@bta-journal.org; p.urbanowska@bta-journal.org.) Price of one copy is PLN 30.

Types of Manuscrips
The Journal accepts the following types of manuscripts: reviews (with no fixed length, although they should be concise as possible) and mini reviews (up to five pages), articles, research papers (with no fixed length, although as concise as possible), short communications (up to three pages) as well as methodological papers. Material submitted to BioTechnologia will be peer reviewed and have to meet specific requirements concerning substantive and editorial qualities.
Assurance of originality
Submission of a manuscript to the Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology is understood to imply that the work is original, unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
Materials ownership
Sources of all figures, photographs, tables or other parts of the manuscript that have previously appeared in any publication or are not the property of the authors must be properly acknowledged in the manuscript. Permission to republish these items must be obtained by the corresponding author from a person or institution (the publisher) holding the copyright.
Copyright transfer
As a condition of publication the authors must grant an exclusive license to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry. Authors may use their own material in other publications, provided that BioTechnologia is acknowledged as the original place of publication and Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry is acknowledged as the publisher. The Copyright License Form (Copyright Assignment Form) must be signed and submitted upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication.
By signing this Copyright Assignment Form the author(s) hereby transfer(s) and assign(s) all the copyright whatsoever to the Committee on Biotechnology and the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences as the Publisher of the Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology.
Additionally, the authors agree for the publication of a full text of their submission in the Internet (www.biotechnologia-journal.org).
Conflict of interest, ghost writing...
For more specific requirements for BioTechnologia authors, please refer to the Manuscript Submission Form.
Bioethical agreement
If the paper contains any material based on the experiments performed on human beings or animals, a declaration that an appropriate Commission has been notified thereof and approved these experiments, is required.
Manuscripts containing information related to human use should clearly state that the research has complied with all relevant national regulations and institutional policies and has been approved by the authors' institutional review board or equivalent committee. Copies of the guidelines and policy statements must be available for review by the Managing Editor if necessary. All investigation with human subjects must have been conducted by following the tenets of the Helsinki Declaration.
Manuscripts containing information related to animals use should clearly state that the research has complied with all relevant national regulations and institutional policies and has been approved by the authors' institutional review board or equivalent committee. Copies of the guidelines and policy statements must be available for review by the Managing Editor if necessary. The research using animal subjects should be conducted according to the Principles of Laboratory Animal Care.
Review process
Submitted manuscripts which comply with instructions for authors are subject to assessment by reviewers. The editors select reviewers taking into account topics presented in the article submitted. Each paper is evaluated by independent reviewers in the double-blind review process, in which authors do not know the identity of their reviewers, nor do the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Reviewers assess the work using the electronic system on the basis of questions prepared for a specific title. Reviewers may also provide individual comments on the article. The paper is accepted for publication after the Editor-in-Chief receives positive opinions of experts.

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